They have made several statements about their candidacy and their political positions. As Republican Committeepersons in West Vincent Township , we would now like to shed light on some of their statements and positions.
David Brown and Kit Trolier stated in their letter that they are “independent and unaffiliated” with the present supervisors. While this may be legally and technically correct, they are avid supporters of the three current Supervisors Ken Miller, Zoe Perkins, and the Democrat they appointed Clare Quinn. The real facts are that Zoe Perkins is the chairman of Good Government for West Vincent, the organization that is backing their candidacy.
When residents asked why Ken Miller had not paid his taxes in 10 years, both Brown and Trolier stood up and cheered the fact that he had not done so. They vocally supported the position that was put forth by Zoe Perkins that “it was a personal matter”, and as such it was of no concern to any of the other tax-paying residents.
Brown and Trolier have also stated their position that there is nothing they can do about the extremely high Owen J. Roberts school taxes. Once again, while this may be technically and legally correct, there were things that they could have already done. Members of the Republican Committee need to actively work with the school district to keep taxes down. For instance, both Missy and I have attended many meetings related to the District. David Brown and Sue Miller, Ken Miller's wife, are the other Republican West Vincent Committeepersons; they should have attended those meetings too. They did not. They didn’t attend the caucus to vet the School Board candidates. Missy and I were there, and we both contributed greatly to the vetting and endorsement process. With Missy and my effort the Republican Committee voted to only endorse candidates who expressed a determined fiscally conservative approach to being a school board member. Not only did Brown and Miller not show up, neither Brown nor Miller sent any proxy votes for candidates. David Brown could not perform the small but important job the voters entrusted him to do now, and he wants us to trust him to fill a larger role.
The Owen J. Roberts School Board held a Public Planning meeting on April 26, 2011 concerning capital expenditures. Neither Candidate David Brown nor candidate Kit Trolier attended this critical meeting. Owen J. Roberts school taxes will be going up this year 2.48% that translates to approximately $300 per household. Unless the proper action is taken, the coming years School tax increases will make this year's look small. Think $1,000 plus.
Simply put, they have not done as they said they would do, and that is, “What we can do we will do to help.” They couldn't even be bothered to attend critical meetings let alone offer any positive suggestions at those meetings. Other candidates running for supervisor of West Vincent Township were at the meeting and did offer suggestions to help keep taxes under control.
The simple fact is that neither Brown nor Trolier care about school taxes or, for that matter, any other taxes that you and your families will have to be paying. In fact, Brown and Trolier voiced no opposition when the current supervisors raised Township taxes 13.58% this year.
On May 17th. please vote for Richard Malasics and Maria Holderness
for Township Supervisor
After all, it's your tax money!
Missy Bertolami and Tom Helwig Republican Committeepersons, West Vincent Township